Revendica 8 Martie! Du lupta mai departe!

cover8 Martie.
Ziua în care sărbătorim victoriile surorilor noastre de-a lungul timpului și începutul luptei de eliberare a femeilor de sub opresiunea sistemului patriarhal.

Duminica, 8 Martie 2015, Piata Mihai Viteazu, ora 20!
Mars: Revendica 8 Martie! Du lupta mai departe!

8 Martie a devenit o zi în care o floare sau un mărțișor ne poate face să uităm de societatea sexistă în care trăim, de inegalitățile şi de formele de opresiune cu care ne confruntăm zilnic.

După ani și ani de luptă, ni se dă ocazia să fim apreciate, să fim ascultate și să primim diverse atenții pentru CEA MAI BUNĂ MAMĂ, pentru CEA MAI IUBITOARE SOȚIE, pentru CEA MAI FRUMOASĂ IUBITĂ, pentru CEA MAI RĂBDĂTOARE BUNICĂ. Încă din primul rând al felicitării pe care o primim de la bărbatul de lângă noi, ni se arată de pe ce poziție, clar superioară, ni se mulțumește pentru că ne lăsăm folosite, obiectificate, manipulate, seduse tot restul anului. Femeia este întotdeauna subordonată bărbatului. Rolul care i se atribuie este întotdeauna în relație cu un bărbat sau făcând parte din “sfântul” nucleu familial. Rar se întamplă ca o femeie să fie recunoscută pentru ceea ce este, în afara normelor sociale impuse de patriarhie și capitalism.

Avem legi care ar trebui să protejeze drepturile femeilor, la fel de bine ca cele ale bărbaților. Dar uităm și excludem brutal pe cei și cele care nu se regăsesc într-un sistem binar a ceea ce înseamnă masculin și feminin, sau pe cei și cele care nu vor ca genul și sexualitatea să le definească persoana.

Trăim sub iluzia egalității între sexe, insa in statele europene, un barbat castiga cu pana la 30% mai mult decat o femeie, desi principiul salariului egal pentru o munca egala este inscris in tratatele europene inca din 1957. Femeile sunt de multe ori intrebate in interviuri pentru un job daca au sau isi doresc sa faca copii, daca sunt casatorite, ajungadu-se pana a li se impune prezentarea unui test de graviditate ori semnarea unui angajament ca nu vor ramane insarcinate sau ca nu vor naste pe durata de valabilitate a contractului de munca.

Să fii feminist sau feministă e considerat cel puțin expirat sau absurd. Râdem la bancuri discriminatoare la adresa femeii, ca și cum sexismul n-ar mai fi o problemă încă. Putem vota, putem deține funcții politice , putem alege o carieră, avem acces la educație. Dar experiențele din trecut ne-au arătat că statul nu poate guverna deaasupra voinței și alegerilor noastre. Unele dintre noi simțim sau auzim încă de efectele dezastruoase ale unor asemenea încercări.
Oricum, dincolo de lege, continuăm să perpetuăm modele opresive pe care am ajuns să le consideram ca fiind normale, de dorit și de urmat.

Nu vă lăsați încătușate de mărgele!

Haideti sa ne revendicam dreptul la alegere!
E libertatea noastra, aceea de a decide asupra propriilor noastre corpuri, aceea de a alege daca vrem sau nu sa avem un copil, e dreptul femeii de a face sau nu un avort.
E dreptul nostru de baza si reprezinta mult mai mult decat a fi pro-alegere. Pentru a fi cu adevarat libere trebuie nu doar sa avem dreptul sa alegem nasterea unui copil, avortul, sterilizarea sau controlul nasterii, ci sa fim lasate sa facem aceste alegeri in mod individual, fara presiunea sau autoritatea unui barbat, doctor, guvern sau religie. Haideti sa ne asumam drepturile la alegere, pe care le-am castigat cu greu dupa perioada comunista in care politica natalista a didacturii lui Ceausescu controla metodic viata noastra intima.

Haideti sa ne revendicam dreptul la educatie sexuala!
Educatia sexuala este o materie inca optionala in Romania. In timp ce fetele sunt invate ca abstinenta este cea mai buna solutie, baietii sunt liberi sa intrebe despre erectii si curiozitatile lor sexuale. Suntem construite social sa credem ca avem nivele scazute ale dorintei si ca suntem capabile de a obtine placere mai greu decat barbatii. Ni se transmite ca dorinta sexuala a barbatilor este aproape incontrolabila, supozitie care justifica comportamentul lor violent si opresant. E timpul sa punem punct imaginii femeilor ca receptori pasivi ai dorintei barbatilor. E timpul sa ne cerem drepturile la o educatie sexuala corespunzatoare, care sa promoveze sanatatea sexuala si reproductiva, reducerea sarcinilor nedorite, metode de contraceptie, relatiile respectuoase si consensuale si, nu in ultimul rand, sa nu promoveze in mod esential doar comportamente sexuale intre barbati si femei. Astfel, vom ajunge sa ne intelegem adevaratele nevoi si experiente, vom fi libere.

Noi femeile suntem învățate să ne fie frică să mergem singure noaptea. Astfel, conform valorilor dominante masculine, o femeie nu riscă doar abuzul, dar îl și caută. O femeie care depașește limitele nopții, încalcă regulile elementare ale comportamentului civilizat: o femeie decentă nu iese singură pe timpul noptii, este considerată o femeie ușoară, care nu își știe locul.
Femeile înca sunt blamate pentru viol sau violența masculină, este considerat, uneori, că este vina lor totală sau parțială dacă au fost violate, spre exemplu, dacă au consumat alcool, au flirtat sau au fost îmbrăcate provocator.

Este timpul să strigam: SUFICIENT! Astăzi vrem să revendicăm dreptul la noapte, la spații sigure, dreptul la un trai fără frică și să spunem că nu trebuie să fim niciodată învinuite pentru viol sau violență masculină.

Femeilor li se atribuie încă roluri pe care nu și le doresc, femeile sunt încă considerate slabe, discriminate, hărțuite, violate. Nu e de ajuns o zi din an în care să ne aducem aminte că vocea noastra poate și trebuie să conteze! Dar dacă tot avem acest prilej, haideți să revendicăm 8 MARTIE și să ducem lupta surorilor noastre mai departe!

De data aceasta este despre, cu și pentru femei! Vrem să ne auzim vocile și vrem să ne bucurăm împreună într-un cadru sigur și prietenos. Oricine este binevenit să se alăture marșului!

Ⓐcasă la Kund

Dragi prieteni și prietene,
Duminică, 25 ianuarie, începând cu ora 14 ne vedem Ⓐcasă la Kund (str. Somesului, nr 45)! Vrem să petrecem împreuna o după-amiază veselă și să împărțim cu voi berea de casă pe care am pregătit-o în ultimele luni.

Producția home-made a berii a pornit din dorința de a dobândi mai multă autonomie faţă de producţia industrială în masă și de a ne desprinde de mecanismele de marketing ale marilor companii. Folosind metode și rețete simple, cu o instalație care se poate adapta cu ușurința în spațiul fiecăruia, ne dorim ca noi (și comunitatea din care facem parte) să scăpăm de eticheta de simpli consumatori, într-o societate bazată pe producție în masă, profit, nevoi inventate și consum inconștient.

Colectivul A-casă încearcă să-și imagineze o alta ordine socială, care se bazează pe schimbul liber de lucruri și servicii, în care indivizi și comunități se sprijină reciproc, și în care banii nu sunt motorul tuturor lucrurilor. De aceea, indiferent de gen, etnie, rasă, categorie socială, preferințe sexuale, fiecare este binevenit să se alăture comunității noastre și să deschidă alături de noi o bere de casă.

Zacuscă pe Roți gătește și Kund găzduiește!
Pe langă zeama (asta e termenul lui Kund pentru bere) vom și găti! Mâncarea vegană a colectivului Zacuscă pe Roți reprezinta refuzul de a face parte dintr-un sistem opresiv, in care mediul este distrus şi animalele sunt exploatate pentru comoditatea umană şi profit. Astfel, aproape toată lumea poate servi o masă cu noi, indiferent de dietă.

Și să nu uităm, nici muzica nu va lipsi! Vom povesti și ne vom relaxa cu Nerub ( și ‘rev ( ).
Vă asteptam cu drag!

Intrarea este liberă, iar mâncarea și băutura sunt pe bază de donații recomandate.



Kedves barátok és/vagy kamerádok!
Vasárnap 25-én, 14:00 órától töltsünk együtt egy nyugis délutánt Kundéknál (Somesului utca, 45) az Ⓐcasă-kollektíva társasá- gában, ahol az utóbbi hónapok házilag készült sörét szeretnénk veletek megosztani.

A sör házilag történő előállításába azon megfontolásból kezdtünk, hogy az ipari tömegtermelés mechanizmusával ellentétes termelési módszerrel kísérletezzünk; ezáltal a nagyvállalatok marketingjétől eltovolódhatunk, némi függetlenségre teszünk szert és (részben) megszabadulunk fogyasztói minőségünktől. Egyszerű receptek és eljárások, valamint egy bárkinél könnyen berendezhető eszköztár segítségével dolgozunk. Többek között ezen keresztül is hozzájárulunk a tömegtermeléstől, a nyerészkedéstől, elképzelt szükségletek és a felelőtlen fogyasztástól áthatott társadalmunk alternatív viszonyainak megalapozásához.

Az Ⓐcasă-kollektíva tehát arra törekszik, hogy elképzeljen egy másfajta társadalmi berendezkedést: olyat, amelyik a használati tárgyak, eszközök és a szolgáltatások szabad cseréjén alapszik, olyat amelyikben az egyének és közösségek egymást támogatva működnek együtt, és ahol nem a pénz motíválja az emberi kapcsolatok fenntartását. Függetlenül attól, hogy milyen nemű, szexuális, etnikai, faji, vagy társadalmi hovatartozással rendelkezel szívesen látunk közösségünk körében.
Ezennel nem Kundék, hanem a Zacuscă pe Roți csapat fog vegán kaját főzni nekünk. A vegán diéta, amint tudjuk, a környezetvédelmi és állatvédelmi megfontolásokból alakult ki és kifejezetten ellenzi az emberek kénye-kedve és a profit nevében történő pusztítást, méltánytalan bánásmódot.

A zenéről sem feledkezünk meg! Velünk lesz Nerub ( és ‘rev ( ).

Belépőt, nyilván, nem kell fizetni, viszont van egy ajánlott adományi összeg, amelyiknek mindenki lehetősége szerint tesz eleget.



Dear friends and comrades,
Let’s enjoy a relaxing afternoon, with Ⓐcasă collective at Kund’s place (Somesului St., no. 45), while we share together home-brewed beer. When? This Sunday, January 25th, starting at 14.

The home brewery started due to our wish of having more autonomy against mass industrial production and to eliminate the marketing mechanism of big companies. Using simple methods and recipes, a DIY equipment, that is easy to build, we try to avoid being simply consumers in a society based on mass production, profit, invented needs and unconsciousness consuming.

A-casă collective tries to imagine another social arrangement, which is based on free exchange of goods and skills between individuals and communities that support each other and where money is not that important. Everybody is welcomed to join our community, no matter what gender, sexual orientation, ethnicity or social category you belong or choose, and to drink with us a home-brewed beer.
Zacuscă pe Roți will be cooking delicious vegan food. This way of cooking is also a method of refusing to be part of an oppressive system, that destroys the environment and where animals are exploited for human commodity and profit. So, everybody can enjoy a hot meal no matter what diet they prefer.

Let’s not forget about music! Nerub ( and ‘rev ( will provide the perfect atmosphere for friendly political conversations.
We hope to see you around!

The entrance is free, for food and beverages there is a recommended donation.

Call for Action! Solidarity with the Resistance Camp of Vulturilor str, Bucharest

NO to Housing Injustice!

NO to Forced Evictions!

NO to Racism and Police Brutality!


Over 100 people living in a yard of houses on 50 Vulturilor Street, Bucharest, Romania, were forcefully evicted on Monday, September 15. The community has decided from the outset to protest and reclaim their rights. This fundamental right has been gravely violated when local police brutalized several members of the community on the 15th and the 16th of September. Among those targeted were children, elderly persons and persons with disabilities. The evicted have currently no genuine alternatives for relocation. They consider the treatment of officials a blunt breakage of their rights and a racist act given that most of the evictees identify as Roma So far 50 Romanian organizations joined the solidarity network progressively built with the evicted community on Vulturilor Street, either by asking local authorities to find immediately an adequate housing solution or by helping the people resist and organize in the street. The community is determined to keep protesting until their demands are met and the housing issue becomes a priority for the state and local authorities!

The Vulturilor Resistance Camp is not an exceptional case, as thousands have been evicted in similar conditions in the last 10 years. This protest, however, carries the important message of NO MORE! People of various social, cultural and economical backgrounds are coming together in support of the camp for what might become a social movement for housing rights! Already, other groups of evictees in other parts of the city have showed concrete solidarity by coming to the camp and enabling resources for the resistance.

We call for support and solidarity from all over the world!

If you think housing rights are not to be messed with, we ask you to join as well, expressing your solidarity!


  1. Share the story within your activist network!
  2. Make a photo or video with a banner showing support for the Vulturilor Resistance Camp!
  3. Protest in front of your local Romanian Embassy! Say no to social and housing injustice enforced by racism, criminalization of the precarious and the sanctity of property!
  4. Contribute with resources, financial or otherwise! Contact the Common Front for Housing Rights at

Detailed account of the case

Community members protesting in the day of the eviction. “Thousands of empty houses, Thousands of people in the street, Where is the Justice?”

The land corresponding to Vulturilor 50, with an approximate surface of 2300 square meters, was returned in July 2002 to former (before socialist nationalisation in 50’s) owners, on the basis of restitution law 10/2001. In 2002, the owners concluded lease contracts with all former state tenants living in the houses, in accordance with the provisions of Government Emergency Decision 40/1999 concerning the protection of tenants. The new lease contracts were concluded for a period of 5 years. In 2007, the owners sold the land and the litigation rights to the consultancy firm SC New Bridge Partners SRL, managed by a Norwegian citizen. In 2008, the firm brought eviction suits against the tenants. It won in 2009 with the court ordering the eviction of the tenants. The decision was not contested by the latter owing to their lack of any kind of legal expertise and the insufficient funds for hiring a lawyer.

Most of the tenants have been living in the Vulturilor yard for 20 years, having been assigned there in the beginning of the 1990s by the state companies for which they worked. Since the 2009 expiry of the new contracts concluded with the owners and up to now, the tenants have been living in those homes without legal documents. Not having the possibility of renting or buying apartments on the market, the majority continued to live in the houses from which they had been told they were going to be evicted.

The requests for social housing, submitted to the district city hall and renewed throughout the 12 years since the restitution of the land, were left unsolved. The requests submitted to the capital (central) city hall were redirected to the city hall of District 3. The tenants began receiving walking summons in 2011. They continued to live in the houses in the absence of an alternative for living spaces and abandoned by local authorities. The new owners limited their proceedings to those summons and did not approach them formally for several years.

The FCDL (Common Front for Rights to Housing) contacted the people living  in the yard in July 2014: „We are waiting in fear that they will come one day and kick us out. For two years we’ve been packing things in the house, around Easter, that’s when the rumor always came, that they are coming to chuck us out. And for us there was no Easter! I would complain to the girls at work about where was I going to get bags to collect our things because they were throwing us out. Where should we go? We are not going in the street. Because I’ve got nowhere to go. Who is going to take me, with 7 children and 2 nephews? Where am I to go? My daughter works there with me, she’s on maternity leave, the son works occasionally, sometimes he has work, sometimes there isn’t any.”

On the morning of September 2nd 2014, all the families received, besides the summons to leave the houses no later than 8 days, a notification about the forceful eviction in case of non-compliance, scheduled for September 15, 9:00 am.

On Monday, Sept 15 the community on Vulturilor street has been evicted against their will by court officers assisted by riot police. Forcing their way in the courtyard and hitting several protesters, the riot police flooded the homes and continued to insult ant intimidate the people into leaving. By way of threatenings, the people at Vulturilor 50 were forced to sign the eviction papers. The local authorities, present through one employee communicated that the evicted were expected to relocate, separately, to men’s and mother-and-children night shelters, a provisional solution which they refused.

Starting with 2 pm, people at Vulturilor were gradually emptiing their former homes. This process did not finished when the security firm employed to guard over the propriety showed up. They threatened to attack the people if they would not comply with leaving the premises. Next, the guards sealed the gate and started destroying the improvements made by the former residents. A lot of the belongings remained in the houses, only to be destroyed and confiscated by the security firm.

On Sept 16, at 9:00 o’clock, after a first night spent in the street in front of their former homes, part of the community on Vulturilor 50 set out to protest in front Bucharest’s City Hall. Equipped with signs, banners, and megaphones, people demanded their rights: homes for everyone. For several hours, people demanded that the mayor or other relevant authorities show up, but their demands have been completely ignored. Around 12 o’clock, while part of the evicted community was protesting in front the City Hall, the Local Police showed up on Vulturilor with 7 vehicles, 2 vans belonging to the military police (Gendarmerie), and 5 trucks from Rosal (garbage collecting company), to collect the possessions people were storing on the street, under the claim that they obstruct public space. People opposed this action, saying that that was their camp, set up for shelter and protest. Still, people’s furniture and other belongings were taken by force and moved to Rosal’s warehouses, against their owners’ wish. They will be kept there for 15 days, then they will be thrown away unless the owners reclaim them. But where are people going to take them?

While opposing eviction and, later, confiscation, several people were pushed and hit by employees of the Local Police. The victims included children and teenagers. One of the children was also insulted by a member of the Local Police.

Under threats of beatings and more confiscations, the street was eventually mostly cleared. But the community stayed, people being determined to maintain the camp, despite cold weather and lack of supplies. Children, young people, and ill people spent their night on chairs, blankets, mattresses, and sleeping bags, in the wind. More than half of the community spends both nights and days in the street, with no possibility for shelter.

On  the following days, people are completing and updating their files for social housing. The authorities keep refusing to engage with the people hoping that they will become divided and eventually abandon the protest and their demands. But all the intimidation attempts by the police, since the eviction day and up to today, were unsuccessful. The community on Vulturilor is not giving up and is resolute to continue resisting until its demands are met. It is appealing to the solidarity of anyone who sees housing rights as fundamental !

On Friday, 19.09, the community protested in front of the City Hall again. Once more, their demands were ignored. The protesters were eventually dispersed by the police. Later that day, the police showed up at the camp, telling people that the remaining of their belongings (mostly mattresses & chairs) will be confiscated again, unless they agree to store it “out of sight” during the day and only take it out at night. As the police came together with a Rosal truck, this was not so much a negotiation as it was an ultimatum.

Each time the evicted protested in front of the city hall, the local police force showed up intimidating the community on Vulturilor. People are getting punished for resisting their exclusion, the social cleansing and the racist policies. We’re calling activists and social movements worldwide to show solidarity for housing rights of the people on Vulturilor street in Bucharest, against the police brutality and intimidation inflicted upon this community.

View from a part of the camp . Banner reads: “The street is not a Home!”

Since the 20th, the Vulturilor community has raised a protest camp to resist hard weather conditions, determined not to abandon the struggle. Seeking justice for their loss, the community demands housing justice having in mind the amplitude of the phenomenon in the Romanian context. The authorities cannot keep ignoring thousands of evictees and people with housing issues.

This account is only one example of many, considering that Romanian local authorities have no concern or respect for housing rights. As a matter of fact, the Third District City Hall allocated in the last 9 years only 33 social houses, while currently they have 3150 such requests registered.

The community is determined to keep protesting until their demands are met and the housing issue becomes a priority for the state and local authorities!

So far 50 Romanian organizations joined the solidarity network progressively built with the evicted community on Vulturilor Street, either by asking local authorities to find immediately an adequate housing solution or by helping the people resist and organize in the street.

Both the Vulturilor community and the solidarity coalition call for immediate support!

Report compiled by the Common Front for Housing Rights (Frontul Comun pentru Dreptul la Locuire), and the community of Vulturilor 50.

Get back to us at

Ne mutăm și apel la donații

Din motive de spațiu ne căutăm o casă nouă.

Ⓐ-casă ideală ar avea o cameră mare în care se pot găzdui evenimente, o bucătărie funcțională, cel puțin încă 2 camere decomandate, o curte și spațiu de depozitare. Din păcate, e destul de greu să o găsim, așa că dacă aveți vreun pont, vă rugăm să ne dați de știre pe

De asemenea, fiindcă Ⓐ-casa funcționează pe bază de donații, orice ajutor primit în această perioadă, când nu putem organiza atât de multe evenimente, e foarte binevenit. Suport financiar dar și donații in obiecte, materiale sau timp și energie vor face ca viitoarea Ⓐ-casa să fie și mai faină!


We are moving and call for donations

Because of space reasons, we are currently looking for a new house.
Our ideal Ⓐ-casa would have a one big room, suitable for hosting events, a nice functional kitchen, at least two other rooms with separate entrances, a courtyard and storage space. Unfortunately, finding a house in Cluj is not so easy, so if you know any tips or woul like to help in any way, please write to us at

Also, because Ⓐ-casa runs on donations, any help received in this period when we cannot organize so many events is highly appreciated. Financial support as well as donations in objects, materials or your time will make the future Ⓐ-casa even better!

house planning