Glosar video realizat in Polonia in iunie 2018 cadrul unui camp FLTI international cu tematica drepturilor muncii: “Unite! Young woman exploring labour rights” si reflecta un mix de continut teoretic si de experiente personale de izolare si alienare in cadrul precarizarii cauzate de capitalismul neoliberal, fiind concluzia artistica a unei saptamani de discutii si ateliere pe tematica muncii la care au luat parte tinere din grupuri non-ierarhice locale, din variate parti ale europei, cu diverse proveniente sociale si culturale. S-au analizat diferentele de legislatie din diverse tari, posibilitatea de a alcatui sindicate, cooperative, drepturile muncii, asigurarea de sanatate, somajul, avantajele si dezavantajele de a fi freelancer, etc
Prin intervievarea participantelor subiectele dezbatute capata un contur uman cu scopul de a incuraja si pe altii sa aprofundeze subiectul excluziunii economice si a drepturilor muncii.
Dupa proiectie va invitam la o scurta discutie in ton cu aceste teme.
Filmul a fost realizat de Martyna: filmare, sunet, productie (
Video glossary made in Poland in June 2018 during an international FLTI camp, labour rights themed: “Unite! Young woman exploring labour rights” which reflects a mix of theoretical content with personal experiences of isolation and alienation during a pressurization caused by neoliberal capitalism. The video is the artistic conclusion of a week of labour rights themed discussions and workshops which were attended by young women from local non – hierarchical groups, from different parts of Europe, with diverse social and cultural backgrounds. Some of the discussions included differences between the countries’ legislations, the possibilities of creating unions, co-ops, labour rights, health insurance, unemployment, advantages and disadvantages of being freelancers etc.
By interviewing the participants, the debated subjects obtain a human shape with the purpose of encouraging other people to elaborate on economic exclusion and labour rights.
After the video, you are invited for a short chat on the themes mentioned earlier.
The video was made by Martyna: movie, sound, production.
Cei care nu au reusit sa vina la proiectie pot viziona filmuletul aici:
For whoever missed the projection, you can watch the video here:
Si mai multe detalii aici:
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